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Virginia Obituaries

Welcome to our list of Virginia obituaries and death notices. When you click on a listing you will enter the loved one’s online memorial. There you can read the full obituary, check the visitation and funeral service details, share notes of condolence, upload photos, send flowers, and do even more. The purpose of this directory is to allow Virginia communities to connect, honor, and cherish those they’ve lost.

FAQ - About our Virginia Obituaries

Which Virginia cities and towns does your directory cover?
Our directory includes major, urban cities such as Virginia Beach and Norfolk, as well as smaller, more rural towns from all across the state.
Are there any restrictions on file size and dimensions for photos I want to upload?
No, there are no restrictions on photos in terms of file size and dimensions.
How often do you update your obituaries for Virginia?
Tribute Archive updates the directory on an hourly basis. We retrieve the obits as soon as possible from Virginia funeral homes .
Can I send flowers directly to visitations and funeral services in Virginia?
Yes. When you place a flower order through our store, local Virginia florists fulfill and deliver the flowers directly to the funeral home.
Do I need an account or login to post condolences, share memories, or upload photos?
No. Anyone can access the online memorial and post condolences, memories, and photos. We do ask that your content remains positive. Any form of hate speech will be removed immediately.
How long do obituaries remain posted on your Virginia directory?
Forever. Tribute Archive will never remove a loved one’s online memorial. One of our main priorities is creating a permanent online memorial that people can visit years and years after losing a loved one.
Am I allowed to share the link of a Virginia obituary with others?
Absolutely. Tribute Archive encourages that you share a loved one’s online memorial with Virginia communities. On each online memorial you will find buttons that make it easy for you to share the obit through Facebook, Twitter, and email.
Which Virginia cities and towns does your directory cover?
Our directory includes major, urban cities such as Virginia Beach and Norfolk, as well as smaller, more rural towns from all across the state.