Maine Funeral Homes
Showing 136 results
Search through our listing of Maine funeral homes. When you click on a funeral home, you can view their obituaries and their contact details. The listing covers the entire state from large, urban cities such as Portland and Lewiston to smaller, more rural towns. We hope this hub makes it easier for you to find a particular Maine funeral home. You can further refine your search by entering a zip code, Maine city/town, or if you know the name of the funeral home you’re searching for.
A.T. Hutchins Funeral and Cremation Services
660 Brighton Avenue, Portland, ME, 04102
Albert & Burpee Funeral and Cremation Services
253 Pine Street, Lewiston, ME, 04240
Autumn Green
47 Oak Street, Alfred, ME, 04002
Autumn Green
47 Oak Street, Alfred, ME, 04002
Bangor - 159 Center Street
159 Center Street, Bangor, ME, 04401
Bangor - 163 Center Street
163 Center Street, Bangor, ME, 04401
Beans Corner Baptist Church
17 Chesterville Road, Jay, ME, 04239
Bibber Memorial Chapel
67 Summer Street, Kennebunk, ME, 04043
Bibber Memorial Chapel -Wells
111 Chapel Road, Wells, ME, 04090
Black Funeral Homes
580 Main Street, P.O. Box 175, Springvale, ME, 04083
Black Funeral Homes
29 Winter Street, Sanford, ME, 04073
Black Funeral Homes
29 Winter Street, Sanford, ME, 04073
Black Funeral Homes
580 Main Street, P.O. Box 175, Springvale, ME, 04083
Blue Hill
49 Main Street, Blue Hill, ME, 04614
Bowers Funeral Home
10 Water Street, Houlton, ME, 04730
Brackett Funeral Home
29 Federal Street, Brunswick, ME, 04011
Bragdon-Finley Funeral Home
PO Box 188; 707 Main Street, Monmouth, ME, 04259
Bragdon-Finley Funeral Home
PO Box 188; 707 Main Stree, Monmouth, ME, 04259
Bragdon-Kelley Funeral Homes
215 Main Street,, Ellsworth, ME, 04605
Bragdon-Kelley Funeral Homes Ellsworth
215 Main Street, PO Box 445, Ellsworth, ME, 04605