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Callie Lamb Wormsley Obituary

Brought to you by Cross-Smith Funeral Home Inc

Callie Lamb Wormsley

LaFollette, Tennessee

July 20, 1961 - January 11, 2025

Callie Lamb Wormsley Obituary

Callie Lamb Wormsley age 63, of Jacksboro, passed away Saturday, January 11, 2025. She was of the Baptist faith and was President of LaFollette Little League for several years.Callie loved to spend  time with her family in the Summertime on Norris Lake. preceded in death by Parents Conday and Frances Wilburn Jordan, Father and Mother-in-law: Don and JoAnn Wormsley.

Survivors: Husband David Wormsley, Sr.

Sons: Patrick Lamb

David Wormsley, Jr. and Tina

Grandchildren: Ally Lamb and Mason Wormsley

Sisters: Connie Smith, Wanda Hirstein, Mary King, Tommie Sue Elkins and Husband David, Dee Marlow and Husband Danny and Peggy Jones

Brother: Steve Jordan and Susie Ellison

Brothers and Sisters-in-law: Donnie and Donna Wormsley, Susie and Steve Nelson, Angie and Kevin Wells

Several Nieces, Nephews and a host of other relatives and friends

The family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Monday, January, 13, with service to follow at 7 p.m. in Cross -Smith Chapel. Rev. Ron Williams, Rev. Johnny Vanover officiating. Family and friends will meet 12:15 Tuesday at Cross-Smith funeral Home and proceed to Campbell Memorial Gardens for 1 p.m. Interment service.

Condolences for Callie Lamb Wormsley maybe given at hppt://

Arrangements By Cross-Smith Funeral Home

Callie Lamb Wormsley age 63, of Jacksboro, passed away Saturday, January 11, 2025. She was of the Baptist faith and was President of LaFollette Little League for several years.Callie loved to spend  time with her family in the Summertime on Norris Lake. preceded in death by Parents Conday and Frances Wilburn Jordan, Father and Mother-in-law



Monday, January 13, 2025

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Cross-Smith Funeral Home, Inc.

300 E. Central Ave. LaFollette, TN 37766

Funeral Service

Monday, January 13, 2025

7:00 pm

Cross-Smith Funeral Home, Inc.

300 E. Central Ave. LaFollette, TN 37766

Officiated by Rev. Ron Williams

Graveside Services and Interment

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

1:00 pm

Campbell Memorial Gardens

361 Memorial Drive Jacksboro, Tn 37757

Family and friends will meet at Cross-Smith Funeral Home at 12:15PM to proceed to Campbell Memorial Gardens for a 1:00PM Graveside and Interment Service.

Final Resting Place

Campbell Memorial Gardens

361 Memorial Drive Jacksboro, Tn 37757

Tribute Wall