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Cliff Beliveau Obituary

Brought to you by McPherson Funeral Service

Cliff Beliveau

Cranbrook, British Columbia

January 20, 1949 - December 13, 2024

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Cliff Beliveau Obituary

We would like to announce the passing of Cliff Beliveau on December 13.

Cliff’s life was dedicated to his family. He cherished time spent with them and sharing experiences and adventures with them.

The family would like to thank Dr. Sveen and the Ivy House staff for their compassionate care.

The funeral mass will be held at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church in Invermere, January 18 at 11:00

The service will be livestreamed for those unable to attend in person. To view please follow the link below or the button on Cliff's page at

To send flowers to the family of Cliff, please visit our floral store.

We would like to announce the passing of Cliff Beliveau on December 13.

Cliff’s life was dedicated to his family. He cherished time spent with them and sharing experiences and adventures with them.

The family would like to thank Dr. Sveen and the Ivy House staff for their compassionate care.



Funeral Mass

Saturday, January 18, 2025

11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Canadian Martyrs Roman Catholic Parish

Guaranteed delivery before Cliff's Funeral Mass begins.

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