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Stella Rodgers Obituary

Brought to you by Darrell Howe Mortuary

Stella Rodgers

Lafayette, Colorado

October 16, 1936 - December 13, 2024

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Stella Rodgers Obituary

Stella Rodgers was born to Leta Walker Daniels and Carl Daniels on October 16,1936 and is survived by their daughter Debby Rodgers , She spent her younger years either at their ranch at Crescent below the railroad track by Gross Dam Rd. or at the Walker Ranch on Flagstaff Rd. On her birthday in 1953 she married William (Bill) Rodgers. They spent a short time living in Indiana and also Boulder until they pulled their trailer up to Flagstaff Mt. where my dad built their home. She always loved living in the mountains and had no use for the city or city ways. She loved animals, especially horses along with cats and dogs. She and I (Deb) rode horses together quite often. She made a happy home for me and Dad always working in the house, cooking, working outside, gardening or tending to the animals. She really enjoyed her mountain life. She had always been healthy until her later years when Spinal Stenosis and a broken femur started to claim some of her enjoyment in doing the things she loved. In April 2024 she fell, was hospitalized, and eventually admitted to an assisted living facility in the city which she hated. From there her health continued to decline. She ended her life journey on December 13, 2024.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Stella, please visit our Tree Store.

Stella Rodgers was born to Leta Walker Daniels and Carl Daniels on October 16,1936 and is survived by their daughter Debby Rodgers , She spent her younger years either at their ranch at Crescent below the railroad track by Gross Dam Rd. or at the Walker Ranch on Flagstaff Rd. On her birthday in 1953 she married William (Bill) Rodgers. They spent


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