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Samantha Mauro Obituary

Brought to you by Paul W. Harris Funeral Home

Samantha Mauro

Rochester, New York

April 6, 2010 - December 13, 2024

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Samantha Mauro Obituary

Samantha "Boo Bear" will be forever remembered as the most amazing and loving dog. Samantha is survived by her sister Maya and little brother "Josh Allen", her grammie and her mom. Samantha will be cherished in our hearts forever. We love you Sammie.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Samantha, please visit our Tree Store.

Samantha "Boo Bear" will be forever remembered as the most amazing and loving dog. Samantha is survived by her sister Maya and little brother "Josh Allen", her grammie and her mom. Samantha will be cherished in our hearts forever. We love you Sammie.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Samantha, please visit our Tree Store.


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