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Carl Slavick Obituary

Brought to you by Barnes Friederich Funeral Home

Carl Slavick

Midwest City, Oklahoma

March 2, 1932 - November 26, 2024

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Carl Slavick Obituary

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, Carl Alvin Slavick, loving husband and father of four children, passed from this life at age 92.

Carl was born on March 2, 1932 in Norristown, Pennsylvania to his parents Walter Slavick and MaryAnna (Kulpa) Slavick. He earned his journeyman electrician skills when he served in the US Army, stationed at Fort Sill, OK. He went on to continue his career of over 40 years as an IBEW Union electrician. On January 17, 1955, he married Norma Lee Chandler. They raised two sons, Dale and Chris, and two daughters, Karol and Mary in Midwest City, OK.

Carl had passions for gardening, fishing, golfing, and bowling. He was very involved with his children and served as a coach for many of their sports teams. He attended every ballgame, dance recital, graduations, and many other events for his children and grandkids. Carl shared his love of the outdoors, teaching his children how to fish at an early age; he read them books, watched numerous kids movies, and taught them ballroom dance steps. Carl was a fun dad, and the neighborhood kids loved to be entertained by his silly stories and anecdotes. Carl told his children and grandchildren how proud he was of them, and gave the best bear hugs to everyone he loved.

Carl was preceded in death by his father, Walter, and his mother, Mary, and all eleven of his siblings. He is survived by his wife, Norma, his four children, Dale, Chris, Karol, and Mary. He is also survived by his eight grandkids.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Carl, please visit our Tree Store.

On Tuesday, November 26, 2024, Carl Alvin Slavick, loving husband and father of four children, passed from this life at age 92.

Carl was born on March 2, 1932 in Norristown, Pennsylvania to his parents Walter Slavick and MaryAnna (Kulpa) Slavick. He earned his journeyman electrician skills when he served in the US Army, station


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