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Joyce Bishop Hargrove Obituary

Brought to you by Ratliff Funeral Homes

Joyce Bishop Hargrove

Seminole, Texas

August 4, 1938 - September 29, 2024

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Joyce Bishop Hargrove Obituary

Seminole……Funeral Services for Joyce Bishop Hargrove, will be held

at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, October 3, 2024, at First Baptist Church, Seminole, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Rev. Joe Stewart, Assisted by Adam Hargrove.

Joyce Bishop Hargrove passed away September 29, 2024, in Seminole, Texas.

Joyce was born August 4, 1938, in Sulphur Springs, Texas to Kermit Bishop and Mildred Irene Estes.

Joyce and Harold Charles Hargrove Jr. were married on September 2, 1956, in Seminole, Texas, she was a member of the First Baptist Church, and of the community from 1941 to 1956 then 1993 to present, she was a teacher for thirty-one years.

Joyce was preceded in death by her husband Harold Charles Hargrove Jr, sons Harold Charles Hargrove III, Steve Mark Hargrove, her parents Kermit and Mildred Bishop, a sister Pam Bishop Keene, and a great granddaughter Kari Jo Roberson.

Joyce is survived by her son David B. Hargrove and wife Shelly of Mineola, Texas, six grandchildren Nicole Letkeman and Pete, Adam and Shelby Hargrove, Angela Roberson and Michael, Trent Hargrove and Sophia, Dylan Hargrove and Cameron, and Jay J’Lynn Garcia and David, and ten great grandchildren Will, Steven, and T.C. Letkeman and Macy, Mark Roberson, Savannah Hargrove, Caden Hargrove, Katelyn Anthony, Jessica and James Franco, and Clayton Hawkins, nieces Tandy Keene, Tiffany Daniel, Tracy Keene.

Family and friend’s visitation will be held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024,

from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Ratliff Funeral Home Chapel in Seminole, Texas.

In lieu of flowers Memorials to Lottie Moon Offering in Care of First Baptist Church of Seminole.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Joyce, please visit our Tree Store.

Seminole……Funeral Services for Joyce Bishop Hargrove, will be held

at 10:00 A.M., Thursday, October 3, 2024, at First Baptist Church, Seminole, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Rev. Joe Stewart, Assisted by Adam Hargrove.

Joyce Bishop Hargrove passed away September 29, 2024,



Thursday, October 3, 2024

10:00 am

First Baptist Church Seminole

202 SW Ave. B Seminole, TX 79360

Final Resting Place

Gaines County Cemetery-Seminole

County Road 301 Seminole, TX 79360

Tribute Wall