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Gary Wayne Lentz Obituary

Brought to you by Ratliff Funeral Homes

Gary Wayne Lentz

Seminole, Texas

October 7, 1950 - September 23, 2024

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Gary Wayne Lentz Obituary

Seminole……Graveside Service for Gary Wayne Lentz, will be held at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 26, 2024, at Sparenburg Cemetery, Lamesa, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Alan Korinek and Asst. by Scott Shortes

Gary Wayne Lentz passed away September 23, 2024, in Seminole, Texas.

Gary was born October 7, 1950, in Lamesa, Texas to Victor Lentz and Mary Ellen Limmer.

Gary married the love of his life Dixie on June 27, 1970, in Lamesa, Texas, they moved to Seminole from Moton in 1973. He farmed until 1988 and was employed by Gaines County Precinct 3 from 1985 until his retirement in 2012.

Gary was preceded in death by his parents Victor and Mary Lentz, two sisters Brenda and Vicky.

Gary is survived by his wife Dixie Lentz, son Jonathan Lentz and wife Amanda, daughter Amanda Reames and husband Josh, a brother Randy Lentz and wife Cindy of Azel, Texas, an aunt Rosie Kunkel of Lamesa an Honorary family member Joyce “Gomi” Dow and four grandchildren Erin Lentz, Garrett Lentz, Landry Reames, and Rylan Reames whom he loved dearly.

Family and friend’s visitation will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2024,

from 5:30 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at the Ratliff Funeral Home Chapel in Seminole, Texas.

In lieu of flowers Memorials Acts 2035 at First United Bank in Seminole.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Gary, please visit our Tree Store.

Seminole……Graveside Service for Gary Wayne Lentz, will be held at 11:00 A.M., Thursday, September 26, 2024, at Sparenburg Cemetery, Lamesa, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Alan Korinek and Asst. by Scott Shortes

Gary Wayne Lentz passed away September 23, 2024, in Seminole, Texas.


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