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Virginia Iris Jones Obituary

Brought to you by Ratliff Funeral Homes

Virginia Iris Jones

Seminole, Texas

October 3, 1930 - September 7, 2024

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Virginia Iris Jones Obituary

Seminole……Funeral Services for Virginia Iris Jones, will be held at 10:00 A.M., Friday, September 13, 2024, at South Seminole Baptist Church, Seminole, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Rev. Richard Wheat.

Virginia Iris Jones passed away September 7, 2024, in Seminole, Texas.

Virginia was born October 3, 1930, in Odonell, Texas to Grady Livesay and Minnie Bledsoe.

Virginia and Arthur Jones were married in 1948 in Terry County, Texas, she was a member of the South Seminole Baptist Church, she graduated Wellman High School in 1948.

Virginia was preceded in death by her husband Arthur Jones on October 2013, her daughter Linda Birdwell on January 2014, a granddaughter Lindsay on March 2021, three brothers, one sister, and a son-in-law Louis Birdwell.

Virginia is survived by her son David A. Jones of Seminole, grandsons Scott Jones, Barry Jones and Trey Birdwell, great grandchildren Dylan Jones, Riley Jones, Brendan Jones, Claire Birdwell, Shelby Birdwell, and a one great great grandson Asher Jones all whom she loved dearly.

Family and friend’s visitation will be held on Thursday, September 12, 2024, from 6:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. at the Ratliff Funeral Home Chapel in Seminole, Texas.

In lieu of flowers Memorials to South Seminole Baptist Church.

To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of Virginia, please visit our Tree Store.

Seminole……Funeral Services for Virginia Iris Jones, will be held at 10:00 A.M., Friday, September 13, 2024, at South Seminole Baptist Church, Seminole, Texas under the direction of Ratliff Funeral Home, Seminole, Texas, officiated by Rev. Richard Wheat.

Virginia Iris Jones passed away September 7, 2024, in Seminole, Texas.



Friday, September 13, 2024

10:00 am

South Seminole Baptist Church

211 SW Ave E Seminole, TX 79360

Final Resting Place

Gaines County Cemetery-Seminole

County Road 301 Seminole, TX 79360

Tribute Wall