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Dr. Tommy Francis Smith Obituary

Brought to you by Amy Stittsworth Funeral Service and Cremation Directors

Dr. Tommy Francis Smith

Enid, Oklahoma

October 24, 2021

Dr. Tommy Francis Smith Obituary

Dr. Tommy Francis Smith, 83, Enid resident, was born on September 10, 1938, the son of Ivan Smith and Tommie Lucille Holmes Smith, and passed away peacefully on October 24, 2021 in Enid.

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Dr. Tommy, please visit our floral store.

Dr. Tommy Francis Smith, 83, Enid resident, was born on September 10, 1938, the son of Ivan Smith and Tommie Lucille Holmes Smith, and passed away peacefully on October 24, 2021 in Enid.

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Dr. Tommy, please visit our floral store.


There are no events scheduled.

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